miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

English Language Challenges

Back in the school, I used to have a lot of hours dedicated to english class, more than a normal high school usually has, so I can say I used to have a good english level but  it got lost because of  lack of practice, even when I keep using it in activities like listening to music, on the internet, or playing videogames.

 Learning English on University is a very good way to keep improving my knowledge, at the begining I didn't know what to think about this class, I thought that it would be kind of boring like in school, but after all I realized that the best way to learn is the practice and that is the course about, if I think about every class the teacher find funny and didactical manners to make us to speak english, sometimes very hilarious, but that is pretty good because that makes you keep attending to class even when you have work to do for another "more important" subjects but you can't and then you feel bad for being absent. I was pretty impressed about the use of blogs, I was accustomed to the traditional way on an english class writing down as if there wasn't a tomorrow; I felt very confortable seeing that we can use technology to learn at the university.

Currently my pronunciation is not really good, and sometimes it's hard for me to speak english fluently, sometimes in Online videogames I have to chat with english speakers of other countries, so  I can keep practicing but in online chats you have time to think about what to write and check it but in real life is not the same and this doesn't make you improve in fluency and pronunciation, maybe in the future I will have to pay for an English class, but some people say that the best way to learn a language is travelling, instead of paying english classes I like more the idea of travelling and learning the language from native speakers.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Yeah..travelling is definitely funnier than a normal class for learning a language :)
